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Wednesday, 22 September 2010

The Plan is ...

If you ever need to plan a canal trip, you should give CanalPlanAC a look.  A lot of effort has been put into that site including detailed inventory and even river view 'virtual tours'.  We have put our first weekends travelling in and now have a very good idea of what we can expect to achieve.  That and the Nicholson guides mean we have done as much preparation as we can.

The plan is to travel up on Friday with all the stuff (and I mean all the stuff; can't move in our dining room), taking both cars, unload them, then move one of the cars to where we think we should end up at the end of day2.  We are taking the bike, just in case we under or overshoot the car location!

After the boat handover we shall just get settled in on the barge and then hopefully get an early night so that we can set off at 7.00am on Saturday.  We reckon about 9-10 hours travelling each day, so it will be tiring, but at least it will give the boys something to do; 13 locks on day 1 and 22 for day 2.

The map below shows the start point, A (at Blisworth Marina) and the endpoint, B (Saul Junction).

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